Being Kind to Yourself

Being Kind to Yourself

One of the best ways we can create more kindness in the world is by being kind to ourselves. This is because self-kindness is an amazing gift that gives both ways, it allows us to fill our own cup so that we can then overflow and send out great energy to others from...


Imagine if you could magically step out of time and look back over your own lifetime. Which memories would rise, like rainbow-skinned soap bubbles, and float into your heart’s view. Certainly the most poignant memories we have revolve around love. Feeling love,...
My Saving Grace

My Saving Grace

The greatest treasure I have found in life is learning to turn within to experience the healing balm of the Innermost Self. Universal Consciousness. The Divinity within. Inner Peace. God’s Grace. Whatever we wish to call it, I am pointing to the wellspring of...
Witness Consciousness Relieves Negativity

Witness Consciousness Relieves Negativity

Can you remember the last time you found yourself stuck in a funk, feeling down? Did you notice a litany of accompanying thoughts, perhaps familiar old tapes? Perhaps you’ve experienced the seemingly endless mental quagmire of a negative, disgruntled story...
Hopelessness & Recognition

Hopelessness & Recognition

Recognition Brings us Power to Heal Have you been faced with persistent pain, symptoms, or illness? Or perhaps a situation that’s really gotten you down? Has your sense hopefulness or happiness been compromised by a persistent difficulty that’s not resolving as you...