Gratefully Receive!

[22:00 minutes]

Relax and rest as you allow yourself to appreciate and open to the unlimited abundance and prosperity of this Divine Universe. Golden Light is the image which symbolizes the Divine Energy of Life.By allowing ourselves to receive, we step into the universal flow of reciprocity, from which all prosperity flows.

Prosperity comes in many forms…Self- Love, Healing, Health, Wealth, and deep, inner Well-Being on every level. Blessings & Love and All Prosperity to You!

Sample preview here:



Original price was: $22.97.Current price is: $11.11.

While immersing yourself in the soothing sounds and golden light imagery, you may gently release mental patterns that may have kept you from receiving what you wish. This peaceful audio will support you as you energetically open your arms and heart to receive the abundant Universal goodness and prosperity that is your divine birthright.

Prosperity comes in many forms…Self- Love, Healing, Health, Wealth, and deep, inner Well-Being on every level. Blessings & Love and All Prosperity to You!

Music Credits with gratitude to: Meditative by Cozy_Place, Audio Jungle

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Find a space and time where you can be quiet, comfortable and undisturbed. Headphones or earbuds are recommended, but not required. Enjoy your audio journey daily, and add it to your library of self-healing tools to return to again and again to create your health and highest well-being. Namasté!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not listen to Golden Life Audio Journeys while driving or operating machinery. These audio journeys are intended to promote your own, natural self-healing process while resting or relaxing deeply with your eyes closed.

©2022 All rights reserved
Albuquerque, New Mexico USA


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“As we heal ourselves, we heal our world.”


-Dr. Jeannie Arunima

Creator of Golden Life Audio Journeys