Liberate Your Voice

[22:16 minutes]

This audio help will help you to empower your self-expression, both through your voice as well as in acknowledging what is felt within the heart and wants to be expressed. Using the tools of mental and physical relaxation, you will bring healing to your vocal apparatus and empower your own self-expression. 

Visualization of blue light brings healing to the throat, while sounds from a powerful waterfall and the ancient practice of throat singing by Tibetan monks helps to liberate full expression and allow you to speak your own truth, especially to your own dear self.

Preview sample here:


Through the simple relaxation exercises within this Audio Journey, such as squeezing tension from the shoulders, lifting the chin to stretch the front of the neck, and mouthing sounds and words to open and relax the vocal apparatus, you will create physical expansion to allow more freedom in your voice. 

You will be guided in a simple breathing exercise as you deeply relax into the Audio Journey, which will release tension and help you come into the present moment in order to bring deeper relaxation, comfort and release to the body and voice.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Find a space and time where you can be quiet, comfortable and undisturbed. Headphones or earbuds are recommended, but not required. Enjoy your audio journey daily, and add it to your library of self-healing tools to return to again and again to create your health and highest well-being. Namasté!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not listen to Golden Life Audio Journeys while driving or operating machinery. These audio journeys are intended to promote your own, natural self-healing process while resting or relaxing deeply with your eyes closed.

Music Credits with gratitude to: Waterfall by SunnyPlanet, Audio Jungle; That Meditation, OctahedronMusic, Audio Jungle; Throat Singing Texture, Exogatana, Audio Jungle; Singing Bowl Hit Single 01-01, InspectorJ, Audio Jungle

© December 29, 2021  |  All rights reserved Golden Life Healing  |  Albuquerque, New Mexico USA


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“As we heal ourselves, we heal our world.”


-Dr. Jeannie Arunima

Creator of Golden Life Audio Journeys