Peaceful Completion

[26:38 minutes]

Are you wishing to bring the energy of completion or resolution into something in your life in order to move forward, feel peace, and release anything holding you back? This Audio Journey is for you.

Sometimes completion seems out of reach. Delays and obstacles can build up in the mind causing concern, stress, or even frustration. Completion is part of every cycle of the lessons that we face in this  journey of life, and one you may be looking forward to in great anticipation. 

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Whether you wish to bring the energy of completion to a short or long term project, situation, endeavor, or relationship, this Audio Journey will support you to release tensions, feelings, and stress related to the duration, delay, obstacles or difficulties you may experience as you await completion or resolution to a current situation. 

You will create peace by coming into the present moment and giving your grace and blessings to completion. By allowing yourself to feel the feelings you are looking forward to when you finally have that completion, you turn your focus from wanting to realizing that completion is already beginning.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Find a space and time where you can be quiet, comfortable and undisturbed. Headphones or earbuds are recommended, but not required. Enjoy your audio journey daily, and add it to your library of self-healing tools to return to again and again to create your health and highest well-being. Namasté!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not listen to Golden Life Audio Journeys while driving or operating machinery. These audio journeys are intended to promote your own, natural self-healing process while resting or relaxing deeply with your eyes closed.

Music credits with gratitude: Spa Chill Relax by Ocean_Studio, Envato

 ©2022 All rights reserved  |.  Golden Life Healing. |. Albuquerque, New Mexico USA


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“As we heal ourselves, we heal our world.”


-Dr. Jeannie Arunima

Creator of Golden Life Audio Journeys