Rest & Renew

[17:30 minutes]

Honor yourself! Take the time you need to rest and renew. Giving the body and mind a rest is working smarter, not harder. Try it and you will surely agree.

In this gentle, healing audio you are invited into a deep sense of rest and renewal to the soft sounds of a flowing, melodic piano. Just by pushing play, you will be transported effortlessly past the busy-busy, do-do of the mental chatter and constant drive in order to dip into the Inner Wellspring of Well-BEing.

Preview sample here:



Enjoy a few minutes every day to heal, rejuvenate and rest your mind, brain, body, and energy.

You will find that by taking intentional rest during your busy days, you will bring the healing energy of restoration to your cells so that your body can release fatigue and feel great for the rest of the day.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Find a space and time where you can be quiet, comfortable and undisturbed. Headphones or earbuds are recommended, but not required. Enjoy your audio journey daily, and add it to your library of self-healing tools to return to again and again to create your health and highest well-being. Namasté!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not listen to Golden Life Audio Journeys while driving or operating machinery. These audio journeys are intended to promote your own, natural self-healing process while resting or relaxing deeply with your eyes closed.

Music Credits: Piano Meditation DIrtyFlint Audio Jungle
(second license purchased)

© June 2021
All rights reserved Golden Life Healing
Albuquerque, New Mexico USA


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