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“As we heal ourselves, we heal our world.” Dr. Jeannie Arunimā

Nature Reassures Us

plum tree in blssom

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Amidst the Pandemic, springtime gives us hope. 

As I write, springtime is blossoming in New Mexico. Despite the world-wide pandemic, nature goes on. Abundant birdlife noisily proclaims courtship and renewal. Blooms of yellow, red, and purple push up from beneath the earth, and all around, the newness of greenery tips the tree branches is soft growth. Renewal.

I look, I see, and I think, “Even though the world as we knew it is gone, nature surges forth in her glorious springtime regalia none the less!”

I am awed. Humbled. Grateful. And, deeply reassured.

My life-long girlfriend shared her grandmother’s story with me of growing up in Nazi Germany during the war. Even though the entire city of Berlin had been devastated, buildings demolished, every edible plant picked bare, and even birdlife vanquished in order to feed starving children, when the war ended, springtime came anyway. She quoted her grandmother saying, “We looked around and couldn’t believe it. The flowers came. The grass grew up quickly over the devastation. And life went on.” Amazing. Nature, and the human spirit.

Spring came anyway!

In the face of this, or any, global devastation, we can take refuge and deep assurance in nature. In the rising and setting of our dear sun and moon. In the unswerving timeliness of the changing seasons. And, I dare say, in the eyes of each other, where the nature of the human heart, is love.

In our own lives, sometimes we too feel the need for renewal. If your energy has been low, and you could use a whiff of restoration, practice self-care. Give yourself the gift of renewal.

Golden Life Healing Energy Therapy brings restoration, refreshement, and revitalization. Schedule a healing or coaching session to empower your own renewal, whatever the season in our world. We’re all in this together. Please let me know if I can help.

All Blessings and Love,

Jeannie Arunimā ♡

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Dr. Jeannie Arunimā

Dr. Jeannie Arunimā

Golden Life Healing


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